In the centre of God’s magnificent creation, May 9th, -11th, 2016, we held our 2nd Annual Prayer Summit at beautiful Elim Lodge (sunrise pictured above). It was a formative event where we saw a group of Ontario Life Action supporters and revival advocates come together in the name of advancing the Kingdom!
The focus of our prayer times together related to the idea that the church’s central mission (the Great Commission) is greatly accelerated during times of revival – when we catch the vision of God, we begin to engage with the mission of God! We were also able to invite a number of our attendees to offer presentations, messages, prayers and songs which added substance and ownership. We are very pleased with the outcome of the Prayer Summit, and even more excited about what God has in store next!
Our team senses such a great need for revival in Canada – not just a revival “of” the church, but a revival “in” the church – the kind that transforms lives! We believe that such a move of God in the hearts of His people would spark a fresh surge of evangelism, church planting, mission endeavours and community transformation.
Would you join us in praying earnestly and urgently for revival? First in us, then in our families and churches – then for spiritual awakening in our communities and nation?