Author: LifeActionCanada

Peoples Church, Wyoming, ON THIRST Conference

Peoples Church, ON – THIRST conference


Last week,  the Life Action Red Team was in Wyoming, ON conducting a THIRST Conference at the Peoples Church.  The team has come and gone but the remnants remain! THIRST is a 4 day conference that invites those who are spirtiually dry to drink deeply from the living water of Christ.

There were capacity crowds in attendance through the week as many were quenched spiritually through God’s Word and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The altar area of the church was crowded each night as people dealt with issues of pride, unforgiveness and relationship breakdown.

Join us in praying for continued restoration and revival that endures!


Peterborough ON Revival Summit Recap

The 8 day Life Action Revival Summit was indeed a mountain top experience.  At the same time many were on their knees looking up to the Lord as they dealt with things that had been laid on their hearts.

Here’s what one person had to say:

“The Lord challenged me in how I understood my role as a leader in the home and at work.  I realized that I was relying on others to handle some of my responsibilities , that I was preparing a poor example for my wife and children.  Praise God that through this time of intense study and prayer I was not only able to recognize my shortcomings, but begin to take steps to change how I bring scripture into the home and learning how to deal with conflict in a humble, loving way that led to forgiveness and reconciliation”


Healing and unity were felt throughout the group of over 400 that met during the week.  Commitment to seek God more earnestly and to pray, pray, pray abounded.  It is through concentrated prayer that past Revivals have broken loose.  Join us to pray for this REVIVAL in each of our lives, in Peterborough and across Canada.

Also, please join us in prayer for the next revival conference starting today at Peoples Church, Wyoming, ON!

Summit Update


God has been at work in Peterborough.  People are responding to Him in tremendous ways.  Relationships are being restored, hearts are healing, brokenness and humility abounds.  Praise the Lord!

The Ladies Luncheon was well attended with approximately 175 women.  Women from both congregations were in attendance as well as others from the community.  It was an amazing time of transparent testimony from Patty Simmons, worship time and prayer.
On Thursday night, Pete and Michelle Davis shared on behalf of Life Action Canada.
This has been a fantastic event with over 400 people showing up each night.Please pray for God to continue moving… something is happening in Peterborough!!

Life Action Revival Summit – Peterborough, ON

Life Action Revival Summit – October 16 – 23, 2016

Life Action Summit – Peterborough, ON

The 8 day Life Action Revival Summit is well underway in Peterborough, ON.

After much prayer and planning, Life Action’s Red Team began Sunday morning with Greg Simmons speaking at Ferndale Bible Chapel and Shane Black speaking at Living Hope CRC.  In the evening the two congregations united in the Living Hope sanctuary with an estimated 450 people in attendence.

We ask for your prayers as we seek the Lord together. Prayer is where revival starts… God is ready to move!

Psalm 85:6 “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?”


Prayer Summit Registration – November 14 – 16, 2016




Prayer Summit – November 14 -16, 2016

It’s hard to believe we are coming up to another Prayer Summit, but we are!  This is exciting because we will be holding this event at a new venue in Guelph, ON  from November 14 to 16, 2016.  We are excited to see our Ministry here in Canada beginning to expand!  It is inspirational to be at a point where we’re taking steps forward as we trust in the Lord for what lays ahead.  Canada needs REVIVAL desperately and it needs to start with me, with each of us individually.

A registration brochure for the November 14–16, 2016 Prayer Summit at the Guelph Bible Conference Centre is available.  Just hit reply to this email and we will send one to you. Please respond quickly if you plan to attend as registration is limited at this event.

Thank you for your love and support.  And especially for your prayers.
Acts 4:13.

Peter Davis | Canadian Leadership Team
705.760.5456 | Website


Prayer Summit – November 14 – 16, 2016




Prayer Summit  
November 14 -16, 2016

Prayer Summit

We are making plans for our Fall Prayer Summit at Guelph Bible Conference, November 14 – 16, 2016.  These events are amazing with the Lord’s presence manifesting incredibly.  You won’t want to miss this one!

The event runs from Monday evening until Wednesday morning.  We’re trying to respect your time and busy schedules, and maximize the impact of the Prayer Summit during the time we are together.

We have had an incredible year here at Life Action Canada, the organization is growing and our goal of Canadian Spiritual Awakening remains our first and foremost burden from the Lord.  We remember the testimonies of how God worked in many lives at prior Prayer Summits.   We can’t wait for what God has in store for this one!

If you are interested in attending or know of someone else, please email us at  Please include a mailing address . We will be sending out brochures and registration information shortly.

Prayer is our tool in these troubled times.  Only by being on our knees can we truly see God move.

The key to prayer is simply praying. AW Tozer


Ministry Update – August 2016




Upcoming Events

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Prayer Summit

We are excited to announce our next Prayer Summit.  We have scheduled our summit for the dates November 14 – 16, 2016 at Guelph Bible Conference, Guelph, ON.  Please pray about whether you should be attending this event, or pass on the word to someone else.  God will be meeting us there!  He is always faithful!

Elim Lodge Week

We have just completed a Life Action week at Elim Lodge.  We were blessed and encouraged by the attendance and the powerful way God showed up.  Dan Jarvis spoke on God and the Family tree and about Loving “One More”.  Pete spoke on the 6 Steps to Personal Revival.

What’s happening next?

Life Action Canada will be heading to Buchanan, Michigan from August 20 – 26 to participate in Seek Week 2016.  This is a time of being ministered to and fellowship with all missionaries serving with Life Action.

Prayer requests:

  • Our Leadership Team and Board – That God would continue to lead us in all the details as we grow the LA Canada identity
  • Our Workers – For God to provide the volunteers we need
  • Our Finances – For God to provide donors to underwrite our 3 upcoming Prayer Summits
  • Revival in Canada!!



Ministry Update – July 2016



Ministry Update

We’ve been busy!

We trust that you have been enjoying the beautiful, hot summer weather. It’s hard to believe that we are into the last month already before school returns. The Life Action Canada team has been hard at work and we wanted to fill you in on what has been going on.

New Website

We have  designed and launched a new website.  We would love for you to go check out .  This has been an exciting project. Please feel free to leave us your comments using  the “Contact Us” tab.  We love to hear from you!  We have also formed a partnership with Canada Helps who will be processing all of our credit card transactions.  We will be contacting each one of our credit card donors in the near future to start the process.

Prayer Summits

Our Prayer Summits provide a space and atmosphere to come relax, renew and hear from God.  Each of us have a “next step” and we all need to pause and be still and listen to what God is telling us.  Here is a testimony from our last Prayer Summit…

“When I was invited to the Life Action Canada prayer summit I knew I needed to attend but my heart wasn’t in it.  Once there, God began working in my heart and restoring my joy in Christ, renewing my spirit, and refreshing me physically.  The expository preaching by Harold Peasley was a highlight as I was fed from the Word of God.  Times in prayer seeking the Lord was a keenly felt need and blessing.  Peter and Michelle Davis were gracious hosts and their love for Christ was infectious.  We’ll certainly be attending again.”  (A Pastor)

The next Prayer Summit is November 14-16, 2016 at Guelph Bible Conference. Pray whether you should attend this event.

Speaking Engagement

Closer to home, Life Action Canada will be at Elim Lodge from August 6-12. Dan & Melissa Jarvis and Pete & Michelle Davis will be leading this event.  We would love to see you there!  We are excited to see how God is going to be working in peoples lives that week.

We seek God’s will for this Ministry and trust that He has great plans…even beyond what we can imagine. 

Prayer Needs

  • Our Leadership Team and Board – that they would continue to seek His will above all else
  • Our Workers – for God to provide the volunteers we need
  • For the Church to earnestly seek God’s will
  • Revival in Canada!!

Will you not revive us again,
that your people may rejoice in you?

Show us your steadfast love, O Lord,
and grant us your salvation.
Let me hear what God the Lord will speak,
for he will speak peace to his people, to his saints;
but let them not turn back to folly.
Surely his salvation is near to those who fear him,
that glory may dwell in our land (Psalm 85:6-9)

He has done it before.  He WILL do it again!  Please view:
The Scottish Hebrides Revival


Life Action Canada Prayer Summit

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In the centre of God’s magnificent creation, May 9th, -11th, 2016, we held our 2nd Annual Prayer Summit at beautiful Elim Lodge (sunrise pictured above). It was a formative event where we saw a group of Ontario Life Action supporters and revival advocates come together in the name of advancing the Kingdom!

The focus of our prayer times together related to the idea that the church’s central mission (the Great Commission) is greatly accelerated during times of revival – when we catch the vision of God, we begin to engage with the mission of God! We were also able to invite a number of our attendees to offer presentations, messages, prayers and songs which added substance and ownership. We are very pleased with the outcome of the Prayer Summit, and even more excited about what God has in store next!

Our team senses such a great need for revival in Canada – not just a revival “of” the church, but a revival “in” the church – the kind that transforms lives! We believe that such a move of God in the hearts of His people would spark a fresh surge of evangelism, church planting, mission endeavours and community transformation.

Would you join us in praying earnestly and urgently for revival? First in us, then in our families and churches – then for spiritual awakening in our communities and nation?

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