Your Faith Frontier
Fall 2018
When you received Christ Jesus as your Savior and Lord, that was not the last time you needed to place your faith in Him. There are many things He has planned for you through the rest of your time on this earth. On the basis of all that Jesus has done for you, will you say yes to Him? Will you boldly set out on the adventure of following God’s lead? This issue of Revive magazine will inspire you with examples of believers who have said yes to God’s invitation to move just beyond the edge of settled territory and onto the faith frontier.
A Single Focus
Spring 2018
It’s time to elevate a biblical vision of singleness. Let’s recognize, honor, and celebrate the unique position and effectiveness of singles at every level of church and missionary endeavors.
Becoming One
Fall 2017
Even though the institution of marriage is present in every culture across the world, it is clear that most of humanity does not know or apply the fullness of God’s wisdom to marriage—they miss the mystery, and all the joy it unlocks! In this issue, we address some of the joys and hard places of pursuing marriage as God intended.
Clear Conscience
Spring 2017
Jesus takes personally what we do or say to other people. When God’s people are reconciled to each other, they make the gospel believable.
Fall 2016
As we submit to the authority of the Word of God, the lordship of Jesus Christ, and the leadership of the Holy Spirit, we are the glad beneficiaries of God’s blessing and guidance. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice . . . and they follow me” (John 10:27).
Love One More
Summer 2016
As one of the two most important commandments in all of Scripture and a direct evidence of being made alive in Christ (1 John 3:10), it’s important to ask ourselves this simple question often: Am I loving others well?
The Jesus Revolution
Winter 2016
What does revival look like? What can we expect to see when God changes a life or makes His manifest presence felt in a congregation? This issue includes first-hand telling of what radical obedience and dramatic life change looked like during the Jesus Revolution and how we can apply it to our lives.
The Tyrant Pride
Summer 2015
There is only one path to greatness in the sight of God: humility. When Jesus taught that the “first will be last,” what did He really mean? How can I walk humbly with God while still striving to serve Him boldly? And what if pride is silently compromising my work for His kingdom?
Five Ways to Father Like God
Spring 2015
This issue of Revive explores fresh vision for Christian fatherhood based on the best example of all—God Himself. Enjoy thought-provoking questions, challenges, and encouraging stories by dads about their struggles, victories, and hopes. Then, take home some practical wisdom to increase the earthly and eternal success of your fathering.