A Call to Prayer
We believe Canada is ripe for spiritual awakening. In the spring of 2015, Canadian Ministry leaders gathered to seek God and ask Him to pour out His Spirit.
Read some of the results below:
- We were very blessed and encouraged by our time together (at the Prayer Summit) earlier this week. It certainly exceeded our expectations and gave us a great hope for what God might do here in Canada in these coming days.
- I heard a good report about and had been praying along for the right people to come and that God would start a revival movement here in Canada to really speak to thousands of lives . . . turning Canada back to its roots with our Maker. In the meantime we keep our eyes fixed on Him and be obedient to what His directives are to each one of us. To those He loves, he disciplines helping us to conform to the image of Christ . . . individually and corporately . . . to bring Him glory. Blessings to you.
- Thanks for a good meeting. I would like to be kept in the loop. Our closing by singing the national anthem which I think was Spirit prompted and probably to remind us that we need to be vigilant and keep Jesus on the throne of our lives and pray that the church leaders would do the same, if Canada needs to remain a God blessed land.
- Monday evening to Wednesday noon this was a Luke 9:28-36 experience and like Peter, John and James I would like to have stayed on that mountain top. However, I knew that was impossible because that mountain top at Elim was God’s doing to prepare me for what He has planned for me in the days ahead. I will be sharing my experience at our Saturday morning prayer meeting with faith that God will fan the flame of revival ion the hearts of this prayer group as we pray earnestly for personal revival and revival amongst all believers. We will also be adding Life Action Canada to our prayer list.
I thank God that this door of opportunity was opened for my wife and I to attend. I fully agree with your three points that; 1. God spoke into each heart about what His take away was for them from the PS. 2. God injected His Spirit into each of our lives in a fresh and powerful way; that He desires Revival for our Nation!! 3. God spoke to us corporately as Life Action Canada leadership about what He desires for Revival in Canada